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谷埔客廳到廢墟花園 導賞與義工活動 From Kai Choi School to Lo Wai Ruin Garden – Tour & Volunteering
日期 Date: 2024年03月17日(日)
時間 Time:10:00 – 16:30 (包谷埔午膳)(Lunch Included)
地點 Venue:谷埔啟才學校廣場、老圍805號 (Kai Choi School Plaza, Kuk Po & No. 805, Lo Wai)

收費 Fee:免費。因名額有限,請先每人支付定金100HKD,出席者可獲全數退還。

There’s a new event at the Kuk Po Vision! In addition to assisting with excavation of ruin garden, there will be guided tour for Kai Choi School Plaza and Kuk Po Common newly opened on 4th February, 2024.

Please arrive at the Kai Choi School Plaza at 10:00am for the gathering.
Participants can take the 56K minibus from Fanling Station to Luk Keng
and then walk to the meeting point.
As places are limited, a deposit of HKD100 by everyone is required and will be fully refunded to those who attend.

Volunteers interested in conservation are invited! Come and join us as we plan the future of Kuk Po! The activities include: guided tours of Kai Choi School Plaza and Kuk Po’s living room, creating Kuk Po Common, reviving the Song family garden, on-site terrain creation of the revived Song Family Garden, excavation of artifacts from the past, and reliving the old rural life.

Moreover, you can enjoy lunch amidst the beautiful scenery of Kuk Po!
Workshop reg deadline:13th March, 2024

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Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2024-03-17 10:30 上午

Registration End Date




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