甜甜蘿蔔湯工作坊Raddish Harvesting & Soup Making

甜甜蘿蔔湯工作坊Raddish Harvesting & Soup Making

甜甜蘿蔔湯工作坊Raddish Harvesting & Soup Making

99 99 people viewed this event.

又到咗早水蘿蔔收成期, 啲人話呢種叫早水蘿蔔嘅耙齒蘿蔔喺街市少見. 當然啦, 細細隻唔重難賣高價, 幼嫩易斷難運送. 但係我哋鍾意種, 因為葉嫩可以當菜炒, 蘿蔔放湯好甜.


農田導賞 + 自採蘿蔔 + 一起加有機味噌煲蘿蔔湯+一起任飲+特價買走蘿蔔

費用:$200/位 大小同價,




費用: HKD 200 大小同價(3歲以下免費同行)。

午餐: 歡迎光顧村內食店,亦可自訂客家菜。我們亦準備草地予參加者自帶午餐吃(但請自行帶走垃圾)。

參加者可九折購買綠續友徠自家製農產品: 金針花、艾草浸脚包、芳香萬壽菊茶、天然蚊怕水、樹上奶蕉等。

Young participants will harvest the raddish, boil soup and taste together, thus appreciate the growing of food, the effort of farmers and connect to the nature.
People can come to Lai Chi Wo by ferry (starting off at Ma Liu Shui at 9am and leaving Lai Chi Wo at 3:30pm) or hiking (1.5-2 hours trail from Wu Kau Tang).
The workshop starts from a tour introducing the environmentally friendly farming and the process of raddish growing, then comes with the harvest work. Then we wash the produce and make a soup . Please wear hats, long sleeves clothing + long pants as shield from sun; bring water bottle for water refill and lunch. There are eateries in the village.
Participants can have 10% off discount by buying our products, e.g. dry day-lily flower tea, dry roselle tea, lemon marigold flower tea, dry banana chips etc.

$200 per person

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://www.facebook.com/events/911366087183497/?ref=newsfeed →


Date And Time

2023-12-10 11:00 上午 to
2023-12-10 12:30 下午



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