Stone-ground rice flour: the everyday life of farmers

Stick rice flour (粘米粉) and glutinous rice flour (糯米粉) are essential ingredients of traditional Hakka pastries. In bygone days before the establishment of supermarkets, pre-packaged rice flour was not available in rural areas. To make Ban-kwo (Hakka rice cake,茶粿和糕粄), farmers had to crush rice grains into powder by manually grinding the ingredients with a stone […]
Stone Tablets of New Territories Villages

如果對香港鄉村歷史有興趣的話,你會怎麼開始?先以鄉間最常見的文字資料 – 石碑作頭炮:眾籌修建公共設施(道路,橋,船,學校,廟宇)=〉反映地區社群關係
宗族內籌款修建祠堂 =〉反映宗族內部關係
糾紛仲裁的結果 =〉反映村民如何處理糾紛及當時的社會環境/法律
標示地界,指明道路方向 等等
The Crafts of Vernacular Architecture

【1. Walls – Mud Bricks, Blue Bricks, Rubble Masonry】 Vernacular houses in Hakka villages tend to be constructed with 3 main materials, mud bricks, blue bricks, and rubble masonry. Old village houses tend to be constructed with mud bricks. Wealthier villagers would construct the front façade of the house with blue bricks and construct the […]