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位於梅子林的老屋众舍已於9月正式開幕,試運階段,團隊定期舉辦不同活動,以建築活化鄉村社區。義工的參與對近年的鄉郊活化工作非常重要。是甚麼驅使他們持續投入村內的工作,是愛還是責任? 在梅子林做義工是怎樣的體驗,又有甚麼樂趣?這次活動我們和同樣在梅子林深耕細作的「森林村落」團隊合作,在團隊成員及資深義工帶領下,參加者可以在地體驗一日的義工生活,嘗試客家手作之餘,亦有機會建設手作步道,一同體驗寓工作於生活的慢活態度。

日期:2024年11月10日 (日)
時間:9:00am – 4:30pm
查詢:inbox 或 致電 39436518

1. 活動在偏遠鄉村及附近之森林進行,且內容涉及勞動工作及山路步行,對體力有一定要求
2. 義工出入範圍涉及沙頭角禁區,參加者須在主辦方確認名額後自行申請禁區紙 (活動日 3個工作天前) 

是次活動由鄉郊保育辦公室(CCO) 及鄉郊保育資助計劃(CCFS)資助。

The Old House in Mui Tsz Lam officially opened in September and is currently in a trial operation phase. We are organizing various activities to experiment with rural revitalization through architecture.

In recent years, volunteer participation has been crucial to rural revitalization works. What makes them consistently engage in villages—love or responsibility? What is life in Mui Tsz Lam like as a volunteer, and what joy does it bring? This time, we collaborated with the Forest Village team which also contributed to the revitalization in Mui Tsz Lam. Led by their team members and experienced volunteers, participants can experience a slow-living day in the village as volunteers, participate in Hakka DIY workshop and volunteer works.
In collaboration with: Forest Village: Mui Tsz Lam and Kop Tong Sustainable Village Programme

Date: 10/11/2024 (Sun)
Time: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Gathering and dismissal point: Sha Tau Kok Typhoon Shelter
Enquiry: inbox or contact 3943 6518

Participants notice
1. The activity will be held in remote villages and involves a 0.5-hour walk along countryside trails. Participants are reminded to consider their physical capability.
2. The activity venue will be accessed via Sha Tau Kok Frontier Closed Area. Upon confirmation, participants are required to apply for the Closed Area Permit through the online system (3 days before event day, link in bio) by themselves.

The activity is sponsored by Countryside Conservation Office (CCO) and Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme (CCFS).


Date And Time

2024-11-10 09:00 上午



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